Apparel Software

YouTube SEO Tips and Tricks Part1

YouTube SEO Tips and Tricks Part1
YouTube SEO Tips 

Date: 29/04/17

Some Tips and Information

  • In earlier time YouTube could not read video text, video speech but now a days YouTube can index it.
  • We should not keep video description in meta tag and description area. We should put keywords inside the  video as speech and text.
  • Please avoid YouTube if you copy video from others. If you do this types of job you will get penalty.
  • Both YouTube and Blog-spot is better based on keywords. It depends on keyword selections.
  • If I get 100 subscriber than I may create chanel.   
  • Wandershare is very good video editing software
  • Adove premiere is also very good video editing software.
  • Long video is very effective for SEO
  • Youtube should have a front image/

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