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Web Programming for Wordpress Website Part2

HTML Code - Youtube Video Embed, Google Search and Download File

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HTML Code for Theme -Shakil Project 

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<div class="text"><font color="#33CC00">DIAMONDS</font><br/>
<font color="#000000"> ARE FOREVER</font><br/>
<font color="#303030">SKYCE IS JUST FOR FUN </font>

<div class="icon2"> More</div>



<div class="box1"> SKYCE DIAMONDS<br/>
<div class="line1"> </div>

<div class="box2"> HIGHEST STANDARDS OF <br/>

<div class="line1"> </div>
<div class="box3"> DIAGNOSING UNIQUE <br/>

<div class="line"> </div>

<div class="wrapper">
<div class="ban_text"> DENTAL JEWELLERY</div>
<div class="ban_text2"> STRONG TEETH</div>
<div class="ban_text3"> BLEACHING</div>

<div class="banner"><img src="images/d2.jpg" width="250" height="200"> </div>
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<div class="text_box">Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet

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Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet

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<div class="text_box3">
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet

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<div class="container">

<div class="text2"><font color="#000000">STEP BY STEP<br/>
PROCEDURE</font> <br/>

<font color="#333333" size="2">TO APPLY TOOTH JEWELLERY: </font> <br/>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet</p>

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<div class="feedback_box">
<div class="icon3"> <img src="images/a.png" width="50" height="50"></div>

<div class="feedback"><font size="5" color="#FF6600">EASY TO REMOVE</font><br/>

Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum

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<div class="icon4"><img src="images/a2.png" width="50" height="50"> </div>

<div class="feedback2"><font size="5" color="#00CC00">No drilling</font><br/>
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum

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<div class="text_header"> NEWS & EVENTS</div>

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<div class="date"> <font size="8">18</font><br/>

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<div class="footer_left"> Lorem ipsum<br/>
dolor dit amet lorem<br/>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet</p>



<div class="date2"><font size="8">14</font><br/>

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dolor dit amet lorem<br/>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet Lorem ipsum dolor dit amet</p>




<div class="design"> &copy;Copyrights 2017 ! Dental Clinic templates<br/>
Designed by shahriar</div>


CSS Code for Theme -Shakil Project 

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Result Code for Theme -Shakil Project 

HTML Code for Theme -Moshiur Project 

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<div class="title"><font face="Century Gothic" size="+4" color="#FFFFFF">SKYCEDENT</font><img src="images/icon_07-260x260.png" width="40px" height="40px"> </div>
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<div class="image" ><div id="example2"><font size="+4" color="#FFF" face="Century Gothic"><b>DIAMONDS</b></font><br><font size="+2" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">ARE FOREVER</font><br><font size="+3" color="#666666" face="Century Gothic" ><b>SKYCE IS JUST FOR FUN</font><div id="success"><font size="+1" color="#FFF" face="Century Gothic" >LEARN MORE</font></b></div></div></div>
<div class="subbox1"><b><font size="+2" color="#09F" face="Century Gothic"><br>SKYCEDENT DIAMONDS <br>DENTAL JWELLARY</div><div class="row4"></div><div class="subbox2"><br>HIGHEST STANDARD OF DENTAL TREATMENT</div><div class="row5"></div><div class="subbox3"><br>DIAGONISING UNIQUE PROBLEM AND DENTAL SURGERY</font></b></div></div>
<div class="box1"><font size="+3" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">MEET OUR DENTISTS DIRECTLY<br></font><img src="images/dental_antibiotic_premedication_dentist_doctor_disagree.jpg" width="300px" height="200px" id="box1"><font size="+1" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">We have world class dentists with experience and well training. Our dentists are globaly approved. We are also trying our best to improve ourselves.</font><div id="success2"><font size="+1" color="#FFF" face="Century Gothic"><b>LEARN MORE</b></font></div></div>
<div class="box2"><font size="+3" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">LEARN MORE<br> ABOUT US</font><img src="images/des-moines-dentist-slider-4.jpg" width="300px" height="200px" id="box1"><font size="+1" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">We have world class dentists with experience and well training. Our dentists are globaly approved. We are also trying our best to improve ourselves.<div id="success2"><font size="+1" color="#FFF" face="Century Gothic"><b>LEARN MORE</b></font></div></div>
<div class="box3"><font size="+3" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">GET APPOINTMENT<br> WITH US</font><img src="images/download.jpg" width="300px" height="200px" id="box1"><font size="+1" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">We have world class dentists with experience and well training. Our dentists are globaly approved. We are also trying our best to improve ourselves.<div id="success2"><font size="+1" color="#FFF" face="Century Gothic"><b>LEARN MORE</b></font></div></div>
<div class="image2" ><div id="example3"><font size="+6" color="#333333" face="Century Gothic">STEP BY STEP</font><br><font size="+4" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">PROCEDURE</font><br><font size="+3" color="#666666" face="Century Gothic" ><b>TO APPLY TOOTH JWELLARY</font><div id="success"><font size="+1" color="#FFF" face="Century Gothic" >LEARN MORE</font></b></div></div>
<div class="picture"><br><img src="images/Untitled-4.png" width="150px" height="140px"></div>
<div class="box10"><font size="+3" color="#2BACE0" face="Century Gothic">EASY TO REMOVE</font><br><br><font size="+1" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">We have world class dentists with experience and well training. Our dentists are globaly approved. We are also trying our best to improve ourselves.<div id="success3"><font size="+1" color="#FFF" face="Century Gothic"><b>LEARN MORE</b></font></div></div>
<div class="picture2"><img src="images/icon_07-260x260.png" width="130px" height="120px"></div>
<div class="box11"><font size="+3" color=":#2BACE0" face="Century Gothic">NO DRILLING</font><br><br><font size="+1" color="#000" face="Century Gothic">We have world class dentists with experience and well training. Our dentists are globaly approved. We are also trying our best to improve ourselves.<div id="success3"><font size="+1" color="#FFF" face="Century Gothic"><b>LEARN MORE</b></font></div></div>
<div class="box1010"><font size="+3" color="#33333" face="Century Gothic">NEWS & EVENT</font></div>
<div class="picture3"><font size="+5" color="#33333" face="Century Gothic">16th<br><font size="+2" color="#33333" face="Century Gothic">MARCH</font></font><div class="row"></div></div>
<div class="subbox7">We have world class dentists with experience and well training. Our dentists are globaly approved. We are also trying our best to improve ourselves.<br> <br>LEARN MORE>></div>

<div class="picture4"><font size="+5" color="#33333" face="Century Gothic">2nd<br><font size="+2" color="#33333" face="Century Gothic">march</font></font><div class="row2"></div></div>
<div class="subbox8">We have world class dentists with experience and well training. Our dentists are globaly approved. We are also trying our best to improve ourselves.<br> <br>LEARN MORE>></div>
<div class="box1016"><font size="+1" color="#000" face="Century Gothic"><u>HOME PAGE ABOUT US  SEVICE SCHEDULE CONTACT ME <br><b></b></u></font></font></div>
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<div class="box1017"><b>&copy;copyright 2017 <font size="+1" color="#2BACE0" face="Century Gothic">SKYCEDENT.COM</font></b></div>

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CSS Code for Theme -Moshiur Project 

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#example2 { 
    background: url(../images/380ec080535b64614639407d89c3bd50.jpg); background-size:1365px 450px; height:400px; margin:0px; padding:180px; background-repeat:no-repeat;}

#example3 { 
    background: url(../images/bendigo-dentist.jpg); background-size: 1365px 500px; width:1300px; height:500px; margin:30px 0px 0px 0px; padding:150px; background-repeat:no-repeat; float:left; }

#success {
    border: none;     color:#FFF; padding:15px 2px; font-size: 16px;  cursor: pointer; background-size:5px 2px; height:20px; margin:20px 0px 0px 0px;
background-repeat:no-repeat; width:150px; border-radius:20px; text-align:center;  opacity:.6;  line-height:20px;}

#success {background-color: #2BACE0; } /* Green */

#success:hover {background-color: #46a049; border-radius:20px; background-color: #03F; color: #FFF; transition:1s;}
#success2 {
    border: none; padding:10px 2px; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; background-size:5px 2px; height:20px; margin:20px 0px 0px 85px; background-repeat:no-repeat;
width:150px; border-radius:20px;
text-align:center; line-height:20px;  }

#success2 {background-color:#2BACE0;
color:#FFF; } /* Green */
#success2:hover {background-color:#2BACE0; border-radius:20px; background-color: #03F; color: #FFF; transition:1s;}
#success3 {
    border: none; padding:10px 2px; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; background-size:5px 2px; height:20px; margin:20px 0px 0px 0px; background-repeat:no-repeat;
width:150px; border-radius:20px; text-align:center; line-height:20px;  }

#success3 {background-color:#2BACE0; color:#FFF; } /* Green */

#success2:hover { background-color: #03F; border-radius:20px; background-color: #03F; color: #FFF; transition:1s;}
{width:1400px; height:45px; margin:-30px 0px 0px 350px; text-align: center; line-height:45px; column-rule:3px solid #09F; column-count:10; line-height:45px;}

{width:1400px; height:45px; float:left; 
margin:10px 0px 0px -10px; text-align:center; line-height:45px;}

.box1018 {width:1400px; height:45px; float:left;
margin:0px 0px -20px -10px; text-align:center; line-height:45px; float:left;}

Result for Theme -Moshiur Project 

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